I need troubleshooting help for my motion activated IntelliBulb.
This article provides operation and troubleshooting tips for IntelliBulb Motion Activated light bulbs.
What are the motion settings?
- The Sun/Moon is to keep the motion sensor active throughout the day and night time.
- The Moon is to keep the motion sensor active from dusk to dawn or in a dark/dim lit area.
I turned the bulb on from the switch and it lit up. Is that ok?
- The bulb will light up for the first switch on.
- If you have the bulb in the moon setting in a well-lighted area it should turn off after ten minutes.
Does the light switch need to be on from the switch for the bulb to turn on?
Yes, the bulb needs electrical power and will not turn on if the switch is off.
How long do the bulbs stay on?
- The bulbs are set to stay on for 10 minutes.
No matter what setting I have it on. The light doesn't go off.
- If you have the bulb inside a closet or pantry on either setting (Sun/Moon-Moon) the sensor will stay active. This is due to the location and there not being enough or any sunlight hitting the bulb to deactivate the sensor in the bulb. The microwaves are also able to penetrate through most solid objects and trip the sensor.
My light is outside and doesn't turn off at night.
- This bulb functions off of microwaves. This type of technology can go through objects like wood, cloth, windows, and screens.
- The bulb does have a 15-19ft detection radius.
- Make sure that if you do have more than 1 bulb next to each other to separate them. A recommended distance between bulbs is 16-20ft.
- These bulbs can be triggered by the movement of trees, hedges moving or small outdoor plants moving from the wind.
Note: You won’t be able to adjust the sensitivity of the bulb itself, so it’s important to consider where you place it. If you install it in high-traffic areas, the light may turn on frequently and stay on until there’s no motion for at least 10 minutes. To avoid this, try placing the bulb in a location with less constant movement.
How can I test this bulb to see if the sensors are working?
- To test the Dusk to Dawn sensor
- The best way to test the bulb is to place it in a fixture that is in a well-lit area (Like outside). Place the bulb on the moon setting. After 10 minutes, the bulb will turn off.
- To test the Motion sensor.
- Enter test mode
- Power on
- Toggle switch between moon and sun/moon 4 times until the light turns off
- The lamp will continuously detect motion and will turn off after 2 seconds when motion is detected.
- after turning off, the lamp will wait for 4 seconds before detecting motion again.
- Exit test mode
- 2 minutes after entering Test mode, the lamp will automatically enter Normal mode (10 min delay) using the sun/moon setting that the switch is set to.
- Power off and Power on.
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